
Saturday, January 9, 2021

SABA, a Caribbean paradise where CIA spies hang out!


Saba is a small Caribbean island where tropical beauty abounds! It's governed by the Netherlands and consists essentially of the top of the dormant Mount Scenery volcano. Its surrounding Saba Marine Park is a renowned dive site, home to coral formations, dolphins, sharks and turtles. With the natural beauty comes a warning: It has been hit by more severe hurricanes in the last 150 years than any other Caribbean island in the region, including 15 category three storms and seven category fives. Head there during the winter!
     The hiking along the trails will take your breath away. You'll see lush vegetation and exotic wildflowers, and the top of Mt. Scenery is more often than not enshrouded by clouds resulting in a cloud forest environment. 
      In my fictional spy series, Saba, along with other Caribbean islands, is where Corey Pearson- CIA spymaster operates. The CIA maintains an underground subdivision called the "Caribbean Basin Interdiction Force" (CBIF) and Corey manages hundreds of agents spread throughout the Caribbean, Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. Check out my latest in the series: MISSION OF VENGEANCE.

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence officers (AFIO) and enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community. He authors the Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. 

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