Friday, March 19, 2021

CIA Spymaster kills Russian assassin in Dominican Republic nightclub



     Calle Pedro Clisante to the main drag of nightclubs and major nightlife happenings in Sosua, Dominican Republic. The street is closed off from 6pm to 6am to cars, but everything is open and the restaurants and bars set up tables on the street. There is usually live music as well on Saturday. If you want nightlife, you can spend the nights in Sosua on this strip doing nothing but cruising the bars. The shops stay open at night, too.

     Yes, Sosúa’s main strip, Pedro Clisante Street, closes off to traffic after dusk and is the hub of nightlife in this beach town. Bars, lounges, and nightclubs lining the street continue on late into the night. Live music is usually on the menu at least once a week, including variations of rock and blues at a number of expat-owned establishments.

     If you’re young and single, the lively bars on the Pedro Clisante strip are full of good- looking guys and girls dancing to the soothing rhythms of Latin music, sharing funny stories and enjoying the mild tropical climate at night. The nightlife here is enjoyable, very noisy but lots of fun. It start’s early and goes on all night with most bars and discos open until 12 pm during the week and 2 pm on weekends.

     Unfortunately, there is a dark side to most everything, and in Puerto Plata, the DR police raided 11 nightclubs linked to trafficking in women, as part of an operation that aims to reduce prostitution along the Dominican Republic’s North Coast. Among the places closed were the Diamond Club Lounge, Club X, Merengue Bar, Bourbon Street, Club 59, Platinum Disco Bar, Sosúa Light 2012 Bar, Blue Ice Piano Bar, Chez Mon Real, BBQ Grill Sport Center and Central Bar.

     Apparently, the nightclubs located on Pedro Clisante street housed dozens of local young women who offered sex to tourists staying in hotels in Sosúa and Cabarete. The police also sought minors who were exploited by pimps, in addition to guns and drugs.

     Club 59 was listed above in the clubs that were raided, and I mention it in the spy thriller MISSION OF VENGEANCE which takes place in the Dominican Republic. Here’s a snippet from the novel: 

Time to move! Corey walked at a fast pace across the street and entered the Club 59 disco, then strolled to the men’s room. The noise and lights engulfed the senses; no one would remember seeing him. He swung open the restroom door and placed a rubber door stopper under it so no one could enter. The killer was peeing up a storm into the urinal. The Furosemide diuretic that the girls slipped into his drink worked quickly.

     Corey glanced at the one other person in the room, a punk rocker wearing torn denim pants, military-style boots and plenty of spikes and studs protruding from his ears, eyebrows and lips. Tinted green and blue streaks radiated out from his mohawk haircut. He was fifteen feet away, admiring himself in the mirror. Not a threat. 

     The killer finished, zipped up his pants and turned to leave. He stared into a Glock held at his face.

     Corey said, “Yury Bocharov says ‘Hi!’”

     No time to pull the trigger! Out of his peripheral vision, Corey saw the punk rocker whip out a gun. A white flash. Even though he slammed himself to the ground, Corey felt the slice of a bullet going through his left shoulder.

     A half-second. That’s all it took for Corey to fire two rounds. The first R.I.P. bullet hit the punkster in the chest. No blood splattered on the wall behind him. The bullet shards exploded inside him and punctured his lungs and heart. The second round hit the assassin in the head, who already had his PSM halfway out of its concealed carry holster. Blood and bits of brain splattered upon the wall and urinal.

     Corey spoke into his Bluetooth. “I’m hit. Go to backup plan.” Blood oozed out of his shoulder as he got up and staggered unpretentiously through the dancing hoards. The ether of flashing lights, heavy-metal and acid rock became his cover. No one glanced his way. Shit, I could have shot him on the dance floor and no one would have noticed.

     He saw the front door and stumbled toward it, snatching a psychedelic Jimi Hendrix jacket off an empty chair and draping it over his shoulder; its owner was gyrating on the dance floor to a medley of Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly and Alice Cooper hits.

     As he staggered out of Club 59, Lieutenant Daniel Sanchez raced up to the curb in his unmarked detective car and swung open the back door. Corey wobbled slightly by the door, then fell inside. Whistle Blower appeared and got in back with him. She took a first aid kit out of her purse as he faded into a cataleptic state. End of snippet.

I hope you enjoyed that scene from MISSION OF VENGEANCELastly, enjoy this video of Club 59 on Sosúa’s main strip, Pedro Clisante Street. Maybe you’ll see Corey Pearson there!

Robert Morton is a member of the Association Of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and writes the Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. 

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