
Thursday, November 18, 2021

FBI proved that Rep. Lauren Boebert lied about Rep. Swalwell's relation with Chinese spy


Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado lied through her teeth when she called out Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., for his past relationship with a suspected Chinese spy, all in a feeble attempt to defend Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.REP. Let's reveal the truth:

  Representative Swalwell wasn’t compromised in the traditional sense. Let me explain. The FBI informed him early on that the Chinese woman, named Fang, was a Chinese intelligence operative, and he immediately cooperated with them. U.S. authorities never suspected Swalwell of any wrongdoing. If they did, they would have put him under intense surveillance. There is no evidence that any classified information was passed between Fang and Swalwell, despite the fact that other high-ranking government officials were targeted by the Chinese intelligence network that employed her and specialized in using “honey traps”.

I wondered, when this first broke, if any Republican officials were seduced by her, possibly to divert attention away from them and onto Rep. Swalwell. Pure conjecture on my part, but I would ask the Republican Intelligence panel members to make the guarantee that none of their GOP associates were targeted by this lady. While the FBI was surveilling her, they accidentally witnessed her having sex, on several occasions, with two Republican city mayors of midwestern cities. It’s all recorded on FBI video tape.

Another reason why I don’t believe Swalwell was compromised is because Chinese intelligence would vigorously have tried to get money exchanges on record, so they could get one over on him. Fang took part in fundraising activities for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign, but there was never any evidence of illegal contributions. The FBI checked the Federal Election Commission records and didn’t find Fang making any personal donations (Contributions which would have been connected to Chinese intelligence). Since such contributions are prohibited from foreign nationals, Swalwell would have had his ass in a slinger if he accepted them. He didn’t, but I wonder why Chinese intelligence never tried. Perhaps, they planted her for the long term, and did not want any chance of her appearing on the radar of U.S. intelligence

With that in mind, it’s possible that the Congressman was compromised by Fang, but ever so slightly. Fang participated in fundraising for him during his 2014 reelection campaign… and she was influential in placing an intern inside his office. The two could have gathered mounds of unclassified information about key government officials, like their habits, preferences, schedules, social networks, and even office rumors about them. Chinese intelligence thinks in the long term; Fang and her accomplice inside Swalwell’s office could have collected such information that would be used to entrap key government officials in the future.

Representative Lauren Boebert fails to mention that Rep. Swalwell was contacted early on by the FBI, regarding Fang, because they knew she was good at her spy craft and were alarmed by her activities with many other political officials. He immediately cut off all ties to her and was never accused of any wrongdoing. Fang left the country unexpectedly in mid-2015 when Chinese intelligence sensed the FBI was growing suspicious. Her “cover” as being a "connector" between the Asian American community and members of Congress was skillfully played out… until she appeared in the FBI’s radar. Then, she disappeared.

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community, and relishes traveling to the Florida Keys and Key West, the Bahamas and Caribbean. He combines both passions in his Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. Check out his latest spy thriller: MISSION OF VENGEANCE. 

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