
Thursday, November 4, 2021

The CIA uses the FBI's vast NGI Biometric Identification system


Facial recognition and NGI

The Next Generation Identification (NGI) system is a fast, accurate, and contactless biometric identification option for U.S. intelligence and law enforcement. It was created by the FBI in order to expand the capabilities of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which identifies subjects by their fingerprints and looks up their criminal history. The NGI system augmented simply looking at fingerprints- it has advanced lookup capabilities. 

      The identification data of NGI is amazing, since it merged all the original fingerprint data from the IAFIS database, which houses over 100 million individual records, with new biometric data, including palm prints, iris scans and face recognition records.

     In the MISSION OF VENGEANCE spy thriller, the facial recognition component of NGI is brought out. The CIA often combines AI with biometrics to map facial features from a photograph or video taken by field operatives. It compares the information with an NGI database of known faces to find a match.

     Here are a few snippets from MISSION OF VENGEANCE, showing how intelligence operatives identify the bad guys quickly in crowds:

     Snippet 1: Several hundred thousand Russian tourists flew into Punta Cana and Santo Domingo from Moscow and St. Petersburg each year. Corey had the CBIF-DR5 team take photos of them as they arrived at airports, booked into hotels, and relaxed on sunny beaches. The photos were sent to the FBI’s Next Generation Identification System, NGI, which CBIF taps into- a vast digital database of fingerprints, DNA profiles, iris scans, palm prints, voice identification profiles, and facial photographs.

     Most of the Russian visitors were young and came from educated, upper-middle-class families with no NGI alerts. They simply wanted to catch some tropical sun and go shopping. A few weren’t so nice, and NGI identified them as FSB and GRU agents. Corey feared the Russian man who contacted the bootlegger was one of them.

    Snippet 2: The FBI team walked in with four handcuffed prisoners. The young and very peppy agent Sterling was the team leader. He beamed proudly as he spoke.

     “We’ve uncovered a large Russian troll and hacking operation in what was believed to be a mere DVD bootlegging operation. We’re confiscating all the computers and ran all the Russians inside through the NGI database. It came back with hits on these four. They were indicted by a federal grand jury for interfering in the 2016 U.S. elections.”

     Marshall pointed to the remaining three who were in their late twenties and in excellent shape with crew cuts. “I can smell military or intelligence spooks a mile away. What did NGI come up with on them?”

     “Your right on, sir. They’re GRU intelligence officers who have been at large and sheltered in Russia since 2016, or so we thought. They’re under federal indictment for conspiracy to hack into the computers of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. Money laundering, identity theft…”

     Marshall interrupted. “Are you saying these are the same subjects that the Mueller investigation charged with hacking into and stealing the DNC documents, then releasing them?”

     “Exactly, sir. These are the guys who used Guccifer 2.0 to disseminate the stolen documents through Wikileaks.”

End of snippets

The video "Uh-Oh, The FBI Just Got Facial Recognition Technology" explains this FBI surveillance tool, the Next Generation Identification System, or NGI. It explains how facial recognition software is a major part of NGI, and why the FBI plans to collect up to 52 million photos of people's faces. It highlights the privacy issues as well, for your chance of anonymity may be over.


Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community, and relishes traveling to the Florida Keys and Key West, the Bahamas and Caribbean. He combines both passions in his CoreyPearson- CIA Spymaster series. Check out his latest spy thriller: MISSION OF VENGEANCE.

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