
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Russian GRU Spetsnaz spies infiltrate Caribbean nations


Russian GRU Spetsnaz operatives infiltrate Caribbean
 nations by dressing and acting like the locals, blending in.

     U.S. intelligence and the Pentagon brass were concerned over signs that Russian Spetsnaz units were infiltrating into the Caribbean region. Yes, the Caribbean neighborhood, America’s backdoor, is becoming an increasingly contested strategic space in the global competition with Russia, despite our positional advantage.

     U.S. intelligence found that hundreds of Russians, including Russian Spetsnaz cells, were bolstering Venezuela’s air defense systems, and advising on upgrading their SU-30s aircraft. The Spetsnaz motto is “Any mission, any time, any place”, and it appears Venezuela and the Caribbean region is their newest “place” of operation.

     Their presence is particularly troubling to U.S. intelligence, since they are an arm of the dreaded Russian GRU intelligence agency. As well as running regular agents, who have a propensity to hunt down and poison Putin’s opponents, the GRU’s spetsnaz (special ops) commandos are specialized in conducting reconnaissance and sabotage.

     In Soviet times, they were active in conflict zones around the world, and spearheaded the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Presently, they are still very active and have conducted 119 targeted operations in the North Caucasus in 2006 alone, during which they killed more than 100 members of terrorist groups. Unfortunately, they are currently infiltrating into the Caribbean via Venezuela.

     In the MISSION OF VENGEANCE spy thriller, I discuss the Spetsnaz presence in the Caribbean. Here are a few Snippets:

Snippet 1: CIA spymaster Corey Pearson spotted them across the street, Spetsnaz! The murderous Russian GRU spies that infiltrated Crimea disguised as civilians before Putin invaded in 2014…now they are slipping into this tiny Caribbean Island.

Snippet 2: Corey stared down at the captured Spetsnaz warrior who was strapped to the waterboarding plank below him. He spit at them. “You Americans are so stupid! My President Putin will take care of my family after you kill me. They live in a plush apartment in Saint Petersburg and my children will someday go to Lomonosov Moscow State University, all paid for because of my loyalty to Spetsnaz and the GRU. I will die for my mother Russia, knowing my loved ones will be taken care of.”

     Corey said, “When you were abducted, we made it look like you defected to the U.S. One of my agents is planted inside the El Nacional newspaper and tomorrow’s headlines, with your photo, will announce that you walked into the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo and turned traitor. We even parked Boris Markov’s SUV in front of the embassy with a note taped to the steering wheel. Putin will relocate your family to Siberia and your wife will scrounge to put food on the table.”

     “Fuck you, American!” He spit at Corey again. “Putin will drive you out of the Caribbean. You will soon see what I mean. There are Spetsnaz sleeper cells all over the Caribbean and you’ve not seen anything yet. The sonic weapon’s attack on your diplomats in 2017 in Havana was just a warning. You will be driven out of the Caribbean and my mother Russia will move in and take over!”

End of Snippets


U.S. intelligence reports that a Spetsnaz military member receives two months of basic training and four years of advanced training before being allowed to formally join the GRU Spetsnaz team. When it came to their performance, one military expert who saw them fighting in Syria said they were keen on tactics and had great intuition and instinct. They could shoot well, took care of their weapons and equipment, and were in great shape and very well-disciplined.


Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community, and relishes traveling to the Florida Keys and Key West, the Bahamas and Caribbean. He combines both passions in his Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. Check out his latest spy thriller: MISSION OF VENGEANCE.

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