Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Secrets and Spies: Do You Know Your CIA History?


Description: Are you a history buff when it comes to the CIA? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz! See how much you know about the agency's storied past, from its origins to its modern-day operations. 

1. In what year was the CIA officially created?

A) 1945

B) 1947

C) 1950

D) 1963


2. What was the name of the CIA's top-secret mind control research program?

A) Project Insight

B) Project MKUltra

C) Operation Mockingbird

D) Project Azorian


3. Who was the first director of the CIA?

A) Allen Dulles

B) William Donovan

C) Richard Helms

D) Harry Truman


4. Which US president ordered the creation of the CIA?

A) Franklin D. Roosevelt

B) Harry S. Truman

C) Dwight D. Eisenhower

D) John F. Kennedy


5. In what year was the Bay of Pigs invasion, a failed CIA-backed attempt to overthrow the government of Cuba?

A) 1961

B) 1962

C) 1963

D) 1964


Answers: 1) B, 2) B, 3) A, 4) B, 5) A.

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