
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Be a Covert Vacationer: Combining Spy Thrills to Keep Your Family Safe


The Vacationer's Guide to Staying Safe- adopt 5 tactics of CIA spies!

     As John Celik and his family set out for a much-needed vacation in the Dominican Republic, they never could have imagined the horror that awaited them. In my spy thriller novel MISSION OF VENGEANCE, the Celik family is brutally murdered, leaving readers to wonder how such a senseless tragedy could occur. While the events are fictional, they serve as a chilling reminder of the importance of family safety while on vacation.

     I offer some crucial tactics that real-life CIA operatives use while traveling, tactics that you can easily employ to protect yourself and your loved ones as well. Even in the most idyllic locations, danger can lurk around the corner, and I use my spy thriller to highlight the importance of taking precautions to ensure the safety of your family while on vacation. Here are five major precautions you and your family can take to stay safe on their next vacation:

     First, do your research: Before you travel, research your destination and find out about any potential safety concerns. Look up the local laws, customs, and any potential threats such as crime or natural disasters. Also, research the areas where you plan to stay and visit.

     In 2017, a group of 18 tourists from Hong Kong were traveling on a bus in Egypt when they were attacked by terrorists in the Western Desert. The terrorists opened fire on the bus, killing four people and injuring several others. The tourists had been traveling without a guide, and they had not done their research on the safety situation in the area. The incident was a stark reminder of the risks of traveling to certain parts of Egypt, particularly those near the border with Libya, which was experiencing ongoing conflict.

     On a more positive note, doing research before traveling has helped to prevent accidents and has kept travelers safe. For example, in 2019, a couple from the United States planned a trip to Costa Rica. Before they left, they researched the local customs and laws, as well as the areas where they planned to stay and visit.

     They discovered that some of the roads in the country were poorly maintained and potentially dangerous, so they rented a four-wheel-drive vehicle to navigate them safely. During their trip, they encountered several treacherous roads but were able to navigate them safely, thanks to their research and preparation.

     By doing your research before you travel, you can learn about potential safety concerns and take steps to mitigate them. You can also identify areas where you should exercise caution or avoid altogether. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your travels are safe and enjoyable.

     Secondly, be aware of your surroundings and stay alert. Avoid poorly lit areas and be cautious of strangers who approach you. Always keep an eye on your belongings and be aware of any suspicious activity.

     Case in point: in 2018, two American tourists were exploring a park in Amsterdam when they were attacked by a group of young men. The attackers tried to steal their belongings, and they used violence to do so.

     However, the tourists were able to fight them off and escape, thanks to their situational awareness. They had noticed the group of young men following them and grew suspicious, so they kept a close eye on them. When the attackers made their move, they were able to react quickly and defend themselves.

     Another example of how being aware of your surroundings can save travelers is the case of a couple who were on vacation in Thailand. One evening, they were walking back to their hotel after dinner when they noticed a group of men following them. The couple immediately became suspicious and started walking faster. When they turned a corner, they saw that the men had split up, with some of them waiting in front of their hotel. The couple quickly changed direction and went to a nearby restaurant, where they called the police. The men were arrested, and the couple was able to avoid becoming victims of a robbery or worse.

     By being aware of your surroundings, you can identify potential threats and take steps to avoid them. You can also avoid dangerous areas or situations and keep yourself and your belongings safe. So, always stay alert, be cautious, and trust your instincts when traveling.

     Thirdly, stay in a well-lit and secure accommodation. Choose your place of stay carefully and opt for well-lit and secure hotels or resorts. Make sure your room has a working safe to store your valuables, and use it to keep your passport, cash, and other important documents secure.

     In 2019, a couple was on vacation in Cancun, Mexico, and had taken all the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. They had researched their destination, were aware of their surroundings, and had chosen a well-lit and secure hotel for their stay.

     One evening, they returned to their hotel room to find that it had been broken into and their valuables, including their passports and cash, were stolen. However, they were able to retrieve their stolen items and avoid any further harm, thanks to the safety measures taken by their hotel.

     The hotel had a comprehensive security system in place, including security cameras and well-trained staff. The couple reported the theft to the hotel staff, who immediately reviewed the footage from the security cameras and identified the thief. They were able to retrieve the stolen items and hand the thief over to the local police, who arrested him.

     This example highlights the importance of staying in well-lit and secure accommodation while on vacation. Choosing a hotel or resort with good security measures can go a long way in ensuring your safety and protecting your valuables.

     Fourth, stay in contact with loved ones. Keep your loved ones back home updated on your travel plans and itinerary. Make sure they know how to contact you in case of an emergency and keep them informed of any changes to your plans. It also provides peace of mind to those at home.

     For example, imagine a traveler named Jane who is traveling alone in a foreign country. She has been keeping in regular contact with her family back home, letting them know where she is staying and what her plans are for the day. One day, while exploring a new city, she falls and injures herself, leaving her unable to get back to her hotel.

     Fortunately, Jane's family back home is able to quickly contact her and get her the help she needs. They called local emergency services and provided them with Jane's location, allowing her to receive prompt medical attention. Without the communication channels that Jane had established with her loved ones, she may have been stranded for hours or even days without help.

     In addition to emergency situations, staying in contact with loved ones can also provide a sense of security for travelers. Regular check-ins and updates can help loved ones back home feel more connected to the traveler and aware of their well-being. This can be especially important for solo travelers or those visiting unfamiliar destinations.

     Lastly, be prepared for emergencies. Pack a first-aid kit, and make sure you have emergency contact numbers saved in your phone. Be aware of the nearest hospitals or medical centers and carry copies of your passport and other important documents with you.

     Being prepared for emergencies can mean the difference between life and death. In the MISSION OF VENGEANCE spy thriller, CIA spymaster Corey Pearson always prepared for emergencies, and his quick thinking and planning ultimately saved his life. When he was shot in a nightclub in Sosua, Dominican Republic, he had ready backup, and one of his CIA operatives had a first-aid kit in her bag, which proved vital in stabilizing him until he could be transported to a hospital.

     A real-life example of how being prepared for emergencies can help vacationers is the case of an American family who were on vacation in Mexico when their young daughter fell ill with a severe fever. The family had done their research before traveling and knew the location of the nearest hospital.

     They quickly took their daughter to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a serious bacterial infection. Thanks to their preparation and quick action, the girl was able to receive the necessary medical treatment and make a full recovery. If the family had not been aware of the nearest hospital or had not packed a first-aid kit, the outcome could have been much worse.

     Despite the fictional tragedy that occurred to the Celik family in MISSION OF VENGEANCE, it is possible to take steps to ensure the safety of your loved ones while on vacation. By doing research, being aware of your surroundings, staying in a secure accommodation, staying in contact with loved ones, and preparing for emergencies, you can make sure that your trip is both safe and enjoyable.

     These precautions have been proven effective in numerous cases, such as the couple in Costa Rica who were able to navigate treacherous roads safely, the American tourists in Amsterdam who defended themselves from attackers, and the couple in Cancun who retrieved their stolen items thanks to the safety measures taken by their hotel.

     Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Even CIA spymaster Corey Pearson advises everyone to take necessary precautions while traveling to ensure their safety.


Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community. He authors the Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. Check out his latest spy thrillers: MISSION OF VENGEANCE.

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