
Thursday, August 29, 2024

CIA Director William J. Burns on Putin: The Dangerous Drive to Rebuild the Soviet Empire


CIA Director Burns Exposes Putin's Grand Plan: A Threat to the Western World

Let’s talk about Vladimir Putin, the man who’s made it his life’s mission to threaten NATO and every democratic Western country out there. No one has a better grasp on what makes Putin tick than CIA Director William J. Burns. This guy isn’t just any intelligence chief—he’s someone who’s been up close and personal with Putin for years, long before the world saw the full extent of Russia’s aggression.

     Burns knows Putin like few others. He served as U.S. Ambassador to Russia from 2005 to 2008, then climbed the ranks as Undersecretary of State and Deputy Secretary of State, before taking the helm at the CIA. This isn’t just a man reading reports from afar—Burns has sat across the table from Putin, most recently in November 2021, right before Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. He was the last American official to speak to Putin before the tanks rolled in.

     Burns paints a chilling picture of Putin: a combustible mix of grievances, ambition, and deep-seated insecurity. This isn’t just some ordinary leader we’re dealing with—Putin is a former KGB officer, trained to see the worst in human nature. He’s suspicious of everyone, always on the lookout for vulnerabilities to exploit.

     Forget about appealing to his better nature—Putin doesn’t believe in that. He’s all about control, intimidation, and getting even. Burns doesn’t mince words—he calls Putin an “apostle of payback.”

     What’s more, over the years, Burns has seen Putin evolve into a leader who’s completely isolated himself from dissent. Back when Burns was ambassador in Moscow, there were still people in Putin’s inner circle who dared to disagree with him. That’s all gone now.

     Today, Putin surrounds himself with yes-men—advisors who either echo his hardline views or have learned the hard way that questioning his judgment is a career-ending move.

     Burns admits that trying to predict Putin’s tactical decisions is like trying to crack a code. But one thing is clear: Putin is driven by a sense of destiny. He’s convinced that it’s his mission to restore Russia’s status as a great power, and he sees Ukraine as the linchpin in that plan. For Putin, controlling Ukraine isn’t just a strategic necessity—it’s a matter of personal entitlement. He’s deluded himself into believing that Ukraine isn’t a real country, and that it’s Russia’s right to dominate it.

     This isn’t just about Ukraine, though. Putin’s ambitions stretch far beyond that. He dreams of reinstating the Soviet Union, pulling all those breakaway satellite nations back under Moscow’s control. And he’s not just talking—he’s taking action. I describe these ambitions in my spy thriller novel, where Putin sends former KGB agents, GRU spies, and Spetsnaz assassins into the Caribbean to undermine America’s presence there, reflecting the same tactics he used in Ukraine, sending them in years before his invasion. That’s the backdrop for Mission of Vengeance, where Corey Pearson, a seasoned CIA spymaster, goes toe-to-toe with Putin’s operatives as they try to destabilize the region.

     Putin isn’t just a threat to Ukraine—he’s a threat to the entire Western world. His obsession with power and control is pushing us all toward the brink. And as William J. Burns knows all too well, this is a man who won’t stop until he’s achieved his twisted vision of a restored Russian empire. The question is: how far will we let him go before we stop him? 

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and authors the ‘Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster’ series. Check out his latest spy thriller, ‘Mission of Vengeance 

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