
Sunday, September 8, 2024

America Under Attack: How Russia’s Sophisticated Propaganda is Influencing the 2024 Election


Laundered Propaganda: Russia’s New Tactics to Manipulate U.S. Voters

    U.S. intelligence has just dropped a bombshell: Russia’s efforts to influence the 2024 presidential election are more advanced than we thought. According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Russia isn’t just meddling like it did before—it’s playing a whole new game, and it’s playing to win.

     This time, Russia is using real U.S. voices to “launder” their propaganda, making it harder to spot. They're not just flooding social media with fake accounts and bots—they’re spreading their divisive narratives through legitimate-looking websites posing as American media outlets. It’s slick, and it’s dangerous.

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      The focus? U.S. swing states. These are the battlegrounds where the outcome of the election is decided, and Moscow knows it. What’s worse, they’re using artificial intelligence to churn out fake content faster and more convincingly than ever before. It’s not just about disinformation—it’s about shaping public opinion and influencing how Americans vote, particularly to push the election toward Donald Trump.

     Here’s the real kicker: this isn’t just foreign meddling. It’s an attack on the core of our democracy. By sowing distrust, division, and confusion, Russia is undermining the very process we rely on to choose our leaders. When voters can’t tell what’s real and what’s not, the entire election process is tainted. And it’s the American people who pay the price—because once the democratic process is compromised, we all lose.

     This kind of interference doesn’t just hurt one side of the political spectrum; it harms us all. It creates a fractured nation where the truth is buried beneath waves of lies. If we can’t trust the information we see, how can we make informed decisions? This is how democracy falls apart—bit by bit, with each election cycle more distorted than the last.

U.S. intelligence is stepping up big time to stop Russia from messing with our 2024 election. They’re boosting cybersecurity, hunting down fake accounts and shady websites, and keeping a close watch on foreign influence operations. It’s not just behind-the-scenes work either—they’re teaming up with social media giants to spot disinformation campaigns and using AI to track Russia’s propaganda game. The FBI and Homeland Security are all in too, launching public awareness efforts to help Americans recognize fake news and foreign interference when they see it. They're pulling out all the stops to protect our democracy.

     The question we have to ask ourselves is: Are we willing to let foreign powers tear us apart from the inside? Because that’s exactly what’s happening, and if we don’t wise up, the damage might be irreparable.


Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and authors the ‘Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster’ series. Check out his latest spy thriller, ‘Mission of Vengeance’.

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