
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Master of Disguise: How CIA Spymaster Corey Pearson Glides Through Customs in 'Mission of Vengeance'"


Read how Corey Pearson Glides Through Customs In 'Mission of Vengeance' Like a Real-Life CIA Operative


     In my 'Mission of Vengeance' spy thriller novel, CIA spymaster Corey Pearson is a master of navigating the perilous world of espionage. One of his most impressive feats is his ability to pass through foreign customs with fake passports and IDs without breaking a sweat. How does he do it? Here are the secrets behind his cool composure, straight out of the CIA playbook.

     First off, Corey’s calm demeanor isn't just natural bravado—it's the result of extensive training. He's been through rigorous drills designed to handle high-stress situations, including simulated customs checks. This training builds confidence and muscle memory, making those nerve-wracking moments at the customs desk feel like just another day at the office.

     Real-life CIA operatives participate in lifelike simulations that mimic various customs environments around the world, complete with role-playing customs officers and realistic interrogation techniques.

     But training alone isn't enough. Corey is armed with detailed backstories for his fake identities. He knows every detail of his cover story, from his supposed birthplace to his favorite childhood toy. This level of preparation allows him to answer any question without a hint of hesitation, making his fake persona as convincing as his real one.

     At the CIA’s mysterious training facility, known as ‘The Farm’, trainees are drilled on their fake identities, practicing how to answer questions confidently and consistently about their cover stories, including personal history, purpose of travel, and itinerary details.

     When it comes to staying cool under pressure, Corey relies on controlled breathing techniques. By practicing deep breathing and mindfulness, he can manage his anxiety and maintain a calm demeanor. This not only helps him stay focused but also ensures his heart rate stays steady, which is crucial when you’re under the watchful eyes of customs officers.

     Body language mastery is another tool in Corey’s arsenal. He knows that customs officers are trained to spot nervous behavior, so he practices maintaining relaxed and natural body language. Whether it’s making confident eye contact, keeping his hands steady, or maintaining an easy posture, Corey’s body language exudes calmness and control.

     Just like in real-life espionage, Corey is completely familiar with his documents. He memorizes every detail of his fake passports and IDs, ensuring he can present and discuss them without hesitation or errors. This familiarity breeds confidence, and confidence is key when passing off a fake identity.

     In "Mission of Vengeance," I made sure that CIA spymaster Corey Pearson's training mirrors that taught at "The Farm," where real-life CIA operatives master handling and presenting fake passports and IDs through detailed, realistic exercises. They go through mock customs checks, presenting their documents to instructors posing as customs officers.

     Real-life CIA operatives, like Corey Pearson, study their fake passports and IDs thoroughly, memorizing every detail to answer questions confidently and accurately. They participate in role-playing scenarios where instructors simulate customs officers, throwing both routine and unexpected questions to test their responses.

     Through repeated practice, they develop the muscle memory and confidence needed to handle their documents smoothly and without hesitation. Instructors provide immediate feedback, allowing them to refine their techniques and improve their performance, just like Corey does in the novel.

     To top it off, these exercises are often conducted under timed or stressful conditions to ensure the operatives can maintain their composure and accuracy even under pressure.

     In "Mission of Vengeance," Corey Pearson’s smooth sailing through foreign customs is a testament to his top-notch skills as a CIA spymaster. I made sure to base his training on the real-life techniques taught at the CIA's 'The Farm,' making those tense customs scenes feel authentic. With extensive training, detailed backstories, controlled breathing, body language mastery, and thorough document familiarity, Corey turns what could be a disaster into just another mission accomplished. That’s why he’s the best in the business!

     And hey, while you might not be a CIA spymaster, there are a few tricks you can borrow from Corey to make your next airport security and customs experience a breeze. Start with the basics: wear comfy shoes, avoid packing your entire wardrobe, and remember that your carry-on doesn't need to include the kitchen sink. Smile and be friendly to the TSA agents—they’re people too, and a little kindness goes a long way.

     If you really want to channel your inner Corey Pearson, practice your calm breathing, stand tall, and maybe even rehearse a backstory for fun. Just make sure it’s one that won’t raise eyebrows, like being an international pet therapist or a professional beachcomber. Trust me, it’ll make the whole process feel like a mini adventure instead of a tedious chore. Happy travels! 

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and authors the ‘Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster’ series. Check out his latest spy thriller, ‘Mission of Vengeance’.

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