
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Kremlin's Digital Assault: How Russian Disinformation is Undermining America


Russian Bots are reshaping America's elections

As the Department of Justice ramped up its criminal investigation into Rudy Giuliani, the U.S. intelligence community was sounding the alarm bells. Russian disinformation was no longer just a specter; it was infiltrating the very fabric of American society. Our intelligence experts were convinced that the Kremlin was pulling the strings, manipulating influential Americans and key institutions to push its own agenda.

     It’s a grim day when the FBI has to step in and warn Giuliani, members of Congress, conservative media outlets like One America News, and top U.S. government officials that they’re being played by a sophisticated Russian disinformation campaign. And the kicker? It’s almost as if they didn’t see it coming—though you’d think they would, right?

     This wasn't a new game, either. The Kremlin’s deception campaign had been in full swing for quite some time. So, buckle up and read on. Watch the video at the end of this article to get a deeper look into just how pervasive and powerful Russian disinformation has become, influencing not just our leaders, but the American public at large.

     For example, a shadowy building in St. Petersburg, brimming with keyboards clacking away, as Russian trolls ramp up their assault on America. This isn’t just any fly-by-night operation—it’s a pro-Putin, oligarch-funded machine known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA). In the first half of 2018 alone, this troll farm spent nearly as much as it had in the entire previous year, pushing their total budget to over $35 million between January 2016 and June 2018.

     The U.S. intelligence community was on high alert. They warned us about a new breed of hi-tech graphics that would take online disinformation to a whole new level of insidiousness. Enter the era of “deep fakes”—creations born from rapid advances in deep-learning algorithms. These aren't your average Photoshopped images; they’re hyper-realistic videos and audio recordings of real people saying and doing things they never actually did. It’s like something straight out of a dystopian novel, but it’s happening right here, right now, in the digital trenches of social media and beyond.

     As the 2024 U.S. Presidential campaign heats up, brace yourselves for an onslaught of hyper-realistic disinformation—not just from Russia, but from a growing number of governments, non-state actors, and individuals. This isn’t just some distant threat; it’s a looming reality. The capacity to craft convincing lies using state-of-the-art fake evidence is taking a giant leap forward, and we're all in the crosshairs.

     No wonder U.S. Cyber Command is stepping up its game, targeting individual Russian operatives in a bid to deter them from meddling in our elections. They’re making it crystal clear: American operatives know who they are and are tracking their every move. The Justice Department has already unearthed a Russian campaign of "information warfare" aimed at swaying both our past and future elections.

     Here's something that might pique your interest: a website called Unlike what you might expect, it's not run by the White House, State Department, or CIA. Instead, it publishes recordings of Russian trolls, obtained from a source with Kremlin ties, thanks to one of its enterprising reporters. Polygraph is a relatively new player in the fact-checking world, a small but mighty effort by the U.S. to expose Russian misdeeds and counter their propaganda.

     One video, in particular, made my stomach churn. It showed how former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was pushing Russian propaganda. It's a stark reminder of just how deep and insidious this disinformation game has become.

     You’re going to love my spy thriller, MISSION OF VENGEANCE. Picture this: a former Russian KGB agent, Yury Bocharov, defects to the U.S. and blows the lid off a sinister Russian troll farm. This operation is hell-bent on spreading disinformation to undermine America’s influence in the Caribbean. Here’s a taste from the novel:


     Bocharov took out his smartphone and slid it across the table to Corey. “I spent all last night talking into the speech-to-text app. There’s sixty pages of transcripts of all I can recall that was on the flash drive. Putin and Markov have a plan of disaster for the Caribbean. Spetsnaz assassination teams are in place. The flash drive had their locations on it. Putin has rejuvenated the KGB and reinstated the Cold War ‘Active Measures’ strategy against the U.S. throughout the Caribbean, which Putin views as America’s vulnerable back door. 

     Morrison asked, “Active measures? That’s going back to the sixties. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia promised the CIA that it would abandon ‘Active Measures’.”

     “It never did. Just like in the sixties, Putin today is spreading disinformation to discredit the U.S. This time, in the Caribbean. As you recall, the KGB convinced Americans that the U.S. government assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr. In the eighties they spread gossip that your CIA created the AIDS virus at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

     Now, we have social media. Putin sent Boris Markov to the Dominican Republic to take over my business. My DVD bootlegging business has become a front operation for a Russian troll factory. Markov sent dozens of hackers from the St. Petersburg Internet Research Agency to my estate, along with the same bloggers and journalists who hijacked your 2016 elections. They write fake news articles about how the U.S. attempts to exploit the Caribbean nations, then post them in social media and newspapers throughout the Caribbean.”

     “How far is their reach?” Corey asked.

     “Roughly 146 million Americans and Caribbean citizens see a constant flow of disinformation in several hundred Caribbean newspapers and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr and Google+… all originating from my estate in the Dominican Republic. Hundreds of Bots and trolls spread the disinformation…black state conspiracy theories, constant reports of the U.S. screwing over Caribbean nations. I listed each hacker’s name on my smartphone app.”


     As the snippet from MISSION OF VENGEANCE reveals, Russia has been leveraging social media to spread disinformation since the 2010s, when platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube started to gain serious traction. The masterminds behind this operation? Russia’s Internet Research Agency (IRA), deploying web brigades and bots to flood these channels with misleading content.

     By late 2017, Facebook estimated that up to 126 million users had been exposed to content from Russian disinformation campaigns. Twitter found 36,000 Russian bots spreading tweets about the 2016 U.S. elections. And now, as we approach the 2024 elections, I can't help but wonder—how many are active this time around?

     For a real eye-opener, check out the video What’s Happening With Russian Disinformation. It’s a wake-up call for all of us, explaining how Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections was just a piece of a much larger puzzle. Their ultimate goal? Undermine confidence in democracy. Now, they’re setting their sights on the U.S. justice system and the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign.

     Stay informed, stay vigilant. The battle against disinformation is far from over. 

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and authors the ‘Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster’ series. Check out his latest spy thriller, ‘Mission of Vengeance’.

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