Sunday, September 29, 2024

National Security at Stake: Why We Need a Trump-Harris Debate Now


Cyber Threats, Russia, China, and Border Security: Where's the Debate?

     Let’s face it: It’s more than disappointing that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump aren’t debating key national security issues. It’s downright unfortunate for the American public. With cybersecurity threats, the growing Russia-China military alliance, and ongoing concerns about border security at the forefront, these critical issues must be addressed directly through debate.

     The American people need to see how the next POTUS will tackle these challenges. Without an open discussion on these topics, it’s not just a missed opportunity—it’s a national security threat. The public deserves a clear understanding of where these candidates stand on matters that impact our safety and future stability. Without that debate, we’re left dangerously in the dark.

     Let’s break it down. First off, cybersecurity. It’s no secret that cyberattacks are increasing by the day. From ransomware to state-sponsored hacking, America’s infrastructure is constantly under siege. Russian hackers have targeted pipelines, and Chinese cyber-espionage continues to be a threat.

     You’d think this would be front and center in a debate between the candidates, right? How would each of them bolster our defenses? What’s their strategy to protect American businesses, our electoral system, and critical infrastructure? Without that dialogue, we can’t fully understand how they plan to safeguard the nation. And that poses a real national security threat.

     Kamala Harris has spoken out in interviews about her approach to cybersecurity, border security, and the growing Russia-China alliance. She’s laid out her plan. But without a debate, we don’t get the full picture—how does Donald Trump plan to address these threats? A debate is crucial to hearing how Trump’s plans compare to Harris’s. Without it, we’re left guessing how the next president will protect the country, and that uncertainty is dangerous.

     Now, consider the Russia-China military alliance. These two powers are no longer just competitors—they’re working together in ways that directly challenge U.S. interests. Joint military exercises in the Indo-Pacific are troubling enough, but their collaboration extends to Europe and the Arctic.

     Two of America’s biggest rivals are pooling resources and sharing intelligence. Let that sink in. Meanwhile, there’s no debate on how either Harris or Trump would counter this growing threat. If that doesn’t scream “national security risk,” what does? 

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      And then there’s border security—a long-standing political flashpoint, but it’s more than just politics. It’s deeply connected to national security. Harris supports the ‘Border Security Bill,’ while Trump opposes it. So, why not let them debate this critical issue? The American public needs to hear how both candidates plan to secure the border, manage legal immigration, and address humanitarian concerns. Border security isn’t just about stopping people from crossing the border—it affects our safety, economy, and the overall social structure of the country.

     Here we are—no debate, no dialogue. Instead of putting these critical issues front and center, the American public is left wondering and hoping for real answers. Sure, we get sound bites and campaign promises, but that’s not enough. We need an in-depth, head-to-head debate to really understand how each candidate plans to protect the nation. The stakes are too high for silence, and when there’s no discussion, it’s not just a missed opportunity—it’s a national security threat.

     Mr. Trump, it’s time to reconsider your refusal to debate Kamala Harris. The American people need clarity on how you plan to address these threats. Without this dialogue, we’re left speculating about the future of our national security—and that’s not just unfortunate, it’s unacceptable. It’s a threat to the safety and security of every American.

     The reality is, while Harris has been offering specific plans and concrete policies on these critical issues, it’s time for Trump to lay out his plans and explain how they compare to hers. The American people deserve to hear him detail exactly how his strategies will protect the country and, more importantly, how they are better than the plans already on the table. Until we have that debate, voters are left in the dark. And that’s not just unfortunate—it’s unacceptable. 

Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and the author of the "Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster" spy thriller series. Check out his latest spy thriller, Misson of Vengeance.

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